Sunday, July 31, 2011
2011 London Convention
Yes, Uncle Allan will be working there, but no, you can't book an appointment.
Allan will show up with a bunch of line drawings ready to tattoo, and if you like on of them, and there are no other people in front of you, you can get tattooed.
So if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, get to his booth early.
If you want a custom design, please sign up for the waiting list to get tattooed in Copenhagen.
Eckel will be at the convention, but he'll be there as a visitor only.
If he chooses to do a guest spot while in the UK, i will put the dates in the "Travel and Guests" section.
Questions? Post a comment here.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ladies for sale... wait, what?!
We're actually off for our summer vacation (ha!) but as in most of Europe, the weather in Copenhagen is crap.
But when summer depression (it's a thing now) is getting me down, so far down i don't even feel like blogging over here, that's when i'm happy i started this blog.
Cause when it comes to the shop, and our little shop family, there's always something good and positive to be said.
Right now, Nick just posted some brand new sketches and some new originals for sale on his pickturebox blog.
I know, exciting stuff, right? But wait, that's not all!
No, he's even offering free shipping from August 1st till October 1st!
So, get an EP original for as little as 128 USD and get free shipping worldwide.
Yeah, you're welcome, internet!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
2E Tattoo Machine by Godoy Machines.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

"I am Derek Baker from Metal Machine Tattoo and Piercing in Cape Town, South Africa. I was asked by Art and Steve to give you a pre and post seminar write up from my point of view as a South African Tattooist with 20 years of experience and participation at many European conventions.
The problem that South Africa had for so many years is that we were blocked from the world and no decent info was coming in about machines, inks or anything else to do with tattooing, that is why I started doing Germany conventions back in 1997 so I could start meeting other artists and learn as much as I could. Even with participation at the conventions you were closed off if you did not know the right artist. Thankfully many top guys started to do seminars which opened the door to so many great learning experiences to improve what we chose to do for a living.
What I liked about Art and Steve’s seminar was that they weren’t out only out to punt their machines, it was about making the machines that you own work without working hard. What I mean by this is everyone thinks that the machine must run fast and hard, the old school way which fucks up the skin and scars it so the blind can read it like brail, your client is in pain and you eventually go deaf.
A Tattoo machine is your bread and butter so it needs to be treated with respect. Art and Steve understand that when you set up your machine to work to at its best it will hum and not over heat. Your client will sit far longer and in less pain so you can give them the tattoo they deserve and not some scared piece of crap that will blow out.
I do believe that we should do any decent seminars available as we do not know everything; if you walk out of a seminar and have learnt just one thing then you are better off than you were before you went in and that is what it is all about for me.
If you think you know it all do us a favour and pack it in as you are not doing your clients justice and will carry on fucking them up.
So for the post seminar - The seminar is about knowing what your machine is saying to you while using it. Without this information your machine could be screaming at you and you’ll never understand what it's saying or be listening. I expect to see less tattoo machines land up in the “fuck that machine it does not work” drawer and instead finds itself on the work bench for a little TLC so it can keep on working for you and not you for it.
Thanks to art and Steve for coming over to South Africa and giving their time and knowledge over and helping the artists that want to learn more...
Ps: please remember to bag your machine - you wouldn’t have unsafe sex so don’t force unsafe tattooing on our clients."
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Egos, bullshit and the way forward.. Tamar Thorn

"I was late falling in love with tattooing.. I started out looking for an apprenticeship when I turned 29 and even though I could draw well, had good business sense and didn't have a "tough girl" attitude I was surprised how few people in the industry in South Africa would give me the time of day. After going through a less than adequate apprenticeship and working in ego-driven street shops trying to figure everything out on my own I opened my own shop . I still to this day don't know how I had the balls to do it given I'd only been tattooing for just under 3 years but hell, the shop exploded and we thrived our first year.
I always had this underlying feeling however that I wasnt in full control of my work. My machines confounded and frustrated me and I must have gone through ten new machines in that year, throwing each one into the drawer of death when they inevitably disappointed me with inconsistency and never ending problems. Who the hell do you turn to when no one wants to talk? Does everyone go through this and if so WHY?? There are so many of us.. all throwing our toys when our machines fail us, knowing that if we had full control we would be able to pull off such great work.. which is after all the reason we should all be doing this. To create beautiful, lasting tattoos with minimal discomfort and maximum enjoyment for our customers. No inflated ego, tough talk or hardcore image is gonna hide the fact that your tattoos suck ass.
Looking for answers online and asking other artists who also learned by trial and error never helped, until the Godoy's shone a lil light on the subject! The seminar helped me to change my whole attitude towards my machines. They don't control my work anymore and I can do a better job with less stress for me and the person I'm tattooing.
The seminar did something else too.. for one day everyone in that room was equal. We were all tattooers, looking for answers and everyone talked and shared their stories. It's amazing what can happen when egos are left at the door and the passion for the art of tattooing is once again the only thing that matters.
Art and Steve have a "no bullshit" approach in everything they do. They know what they are talking about because they've been through everything already. Listening to them talk was truly inspiring and being at the seminar was possibly one of the highlights of my carreer thus far. I know I can always carry that knowledge with me and where I can, pass it along.
The industry is changing, even since I started I can see how it's grown and shifted. I used to have people stare and scowl at me on the street, pull their kids away.. but now tattooing is on the TV and everyone and their kids are getting tattooed cos they saw it on Miami Ink. There isn't any stopping that. People want drama and tattooing is flavour of the month. The only thing we can do to ensure the bubble doesn't burst is be responsible, be informed and keep our heads out of our own asses. We aren't rockstars, we are artists who put their work on human skin. It's a practice to be respected and it's up to all of us to stay true to that."
Tattoo The Eye of RA
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
SKILLS AND SHIT... Jory Helmes - Bully Boy Tattoo, Duncan, BC
Tiger style
Old as in "got tattooed by Allan 10 years ago", not as in "whoa, that's an old dude!".
I'm tired.
Anyway, expect to see a nicer photo of this one, or at least one that's taken with a real camera and not my phone, some day in the future, if and when Allan decides to blog about tattoos again!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hail Satan... and birthday cake!
For Allan's birthday last month Eckel got the great idea to surprise him with a black metal themed barbecue.
Allan and our friends had thrown me a surprise party, my first ever, a few days earlier, and because of that, it all of a sudden seemed kinda lame to just have a barbeque like he'd asked for.
So, he already knew of the barbeque part, but i (cleverly i must say) got him to stay home a little longer while we "decorated the shop", while in fact, as you can see, we where decorating our faces with some sick-ass corpse paint... and cow paint... and pentagrams... and skulls... and Peter Kriss...!?
Anyway, when he arrived we were barbequing in the street outside the shop, all dressed up, and yes, he was surprised!
A few instagram pictures of Allan, me and a very un-metal birthday cake (what? I like them sugary and cheerful!)

I don't think we've even used the Dancook 7200 since this wonderful night, but in our defense, we've been out of town on the sunny days, and the rest of the time, the weather has been shit.