Diego Morales is an Argentine tattoo artist who lives and works at his own shop "Fusion Tattoo" in Alicante, SPAIN. We met him and his wife Fatima while doing a seminar in Castellon, Spain at a tattoo convention. He and his wife have become really great friends and business associates. They distribute our machines in Spain and set up yearly machine seminar tours for us. Pictured here is one of his machines. This one is ALL hand made. Lots of cutting and filing, coil winding, finishing. He is known for his precision and eye for details. His tattooing is great too.

Look at the craftsmanship. The insulation, the care he took to shrink the coils and polish the binding posts... this is a quality product made by an artist who TRULY knows his trade inside and out.
Their devotion to the art is priceless. From the quality of their (Diego and Fatima) work and shop's presentation, to the meticulous precision of his machine's construction and the belief in educating tattooers world wide, these people deserve recognition globally.
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